Latest statistics provided by Google shows that Kitkat And Jellybean are currently the most used versions of the Android OS.
The data was collected during a 7-day period which ended on November 3rd 2014. The result revealed Kitkat and Jellybean’s Dominance , "This is due to the fact that those 2 version can run the BBM app and other interesting apps with less bug or error both on Hardware & Software!

In the above picture 50.9% Of users are running the Jellybean versions (4.1X-4.3), while 30.2% Are running Kitkat version & also 8.5% and 9.8% are running the Icecream sandwich and gingerbread versions.
In the above picture 50.9% Of users are running the Jellybean versions (4.1X-4.3), while 30.2% Are running Kitkat version & also 8.5% and 9.8% are running the Icecream sandwich and gingerbread versions.
Surprisingly , One of Android’s first versions , Froyo , still has a share of 0.6%.
With the release Of Android 5.0 Lollipop Imminent , We defiantly know this is the end of Froyo , Gingerbread and Icecream sandsiwh versions of the Android OS or do you think they can still stand the test of time?
With the release Of Android 5.0 Lollipop Imminent , We defiantly know this is the end of Froyo , Gingerbread and Icecream sandsiwh versions of the Android OS or do you think they can still stand the test of time?
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