
Tips to become a Better Preaching

Here are a few things that I have learned along the way and things that I am currently trying to implement into my teaching.
Don’t make it about you. It’s about God first and the people second. To test this, count how many times you say words like “I” or “me.”

Why Some Preachers Get Better and Others Don't: [See Reasons]

I’ve seen guys so nervous that they had to stop and vomit during the sermon, and I’ve been so moved by a student’s sermon that I felt I had been ushered into the presence of the risen Christ.

 I’ve seen guys who were no better the fifth time they preached for me than they were the first time, but I’ve seen guys whose initial sermon was depressingly awful turn it around so radically by the end of the semester that I almost couldn’t recognize them as the same preacher.

On the first day of the semester, or the first time I hear a student preach, I have no way of knowing if he has what it takes or is willing to do what he must to be the preacher he needs to be, but I can usually tell by the second sermon if he does, because that is when he has to act on what I told him after his first sermon.

Become a better Preacher  

What makes the difference?

1. Calling

The most frustrated preacher is the one who has a sense of duty, but not a burning calling.

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