1. Become more self-aware.
The first step toward becoming a better person is learning to notice
your current behavior, whether it is how you react to stress, how you
cope with loss, how you manage your anger, or how you treat the people
you love.
The only way to make an improvement in any of these departments is to
first take note of your current behavior, then reflect on how it can be
improved, and finally, make the necessary changes. Remember that the
change cannot happen until you know what is wrong in the first place.
2. Set goals for yourself.
If it helps, write them down on a piece of paper, or better yet, start a
journal. This will open up your introspective side, and allow you to
better understand yourself from an objective standpoint.
Here are some questions to get you started: Is there a particular
relationship with a loved one that you would like to improve? Would you
like to become more philanthropic? Do you want to do more for the
environment? Do you want to learn how to be a better spouse or partner?
3. Find a role model. Role models are a great source of inspiration, and their stories can make us feel strong when times get tough.
- Your role model might be your favorite singer, artist, politician, television personality, philosopher, religious figure, and so on. Your role model may be from thousands of years ago, or someone from now.
- Once you have found a role model, read one of his or her books or biographies. Learning about this person's educational background, family life, and personal struggles will prepare you for the road ahead.
- Choose somebody whose story you can relate to, like a rags-to-riches entrepreneur, a great author or a person who sailed around the world solo. Find experiences others have had that resonate with your hopes and dreams.