
How to take care of the Brain

1.      Know Thyself – What kind of brain do you have and how does it influence your personality. Does your brain prefer the order and predictability of the known world (LH) or is more interested in the excitement of the new (RH)? Just knowing this about yourself will help you understand a lot about your-self and your relationships with others. Why for example, you don’t like to leave things unfinished (LH) or why too much detail bores you (RH). A good balance of both is best so try and develop the other side of your brain/personality.

2.      Avoid Stress Like It Is Brain Poison (because it is!) -  Psychiatrist Milton Erickson used to say, ‘if you meet someone who makes you feel bad about yourself – run!’ Unfortunately sometimes we have to tolerate unpleasant people or situations for the sake of the children, our career etc. Then we are choosing to sacrifice our happiness for a long-term goal – a uniquely human capacity. Sometimes terrible things happen over which we have no control. Then we have to learn how to manage our painful feelings and accept some changes to our self and world view.

3.      Meditate – Meditation is a powerful brain booster. Start with 5-10 minutes of “mind-training” to make it still and empty; and build it up to 30-120 minutes every day as you master the art. Be patient with yourself as the induction is often slow

4.      Sleep – 7-8 hours/night of sound sleep is essential for stimulating new connections and brain growth. Identify and address all obstacles to sleep, including an over-active mind, physical tension, undiagnosed sleep apnea.

5.      Practice mindfulness – Stop at regular periods throughout your day and mentally check-in with yourself. Notice any tension or preoccupations, without judging or analysing. If it’s not something you can change now, why not shelve it until later? Don’t “waste” your worry.

6.      Practice self-soothing – Use brain-smart strategies such as bilateral stimulation to ‘short-circuit’ worry and stress. Stop for a moment and take a deep breathe every now and then and notice how it feels. Direct your attention to soothing elements of your environment – sometimes you just need to stop and smell the roses – literally! 

7.      Get support. Sharing your problem with trusted loved ones releases endorphins and is one of the best antidotes against stress.
Via: Overcoming pain.com
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